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For information on Hire Charges and venue capacity please see our facilities page. Our Terms and Conditions at the very bottom of this page may also give you the information that you need. 

How large is your car park?
We have free car park that belongs to the hall with a capacity of 20-30 cars. The car park is owned and maintained by the Village Hall since 1966. Users of the Village Hall have priority access to the car park at all times.  The access road and most of pavement is owned by Buckinghamshire Council and the responsibility of the School. Full details and terms are here.

How can we see if the hall is available?
Visit the Calendar page and select a date to start the booking process.

Is the hall accessible?
The community room and main hall are accessible on the ground floor. There is a small lip at the entrance to the main door. The Church room on the first floor is only accessible by stairs. We have an accessible toilet and baby change on the ground floor.

Do I have to allow setting up and clearing away time in my hire?
Yes, and please check how long any entertainers etc will take to set up and clear away. Allow enough time, particularly at the end of parties for clearing away.

How will I access the hall?
Regular hirers have their own keys. For occasional hirers, one of our volunteers will open up, check you know where everything is and lock up at the end.

Do I have to clean at the end of a hire?
We ask you to put your rubbish in our bins outside, sweep the floor and wipe down kitchen surfaces. There is a 'locking up' checklist in the main lobby to help guide you.

Are bouncy castles allowed?
Yes, but please make sure that they are no taller than 4m and that the operator has the appropriate insurance. The hirer is responsible (and liable) for this. The castle must be located away from the stage lights. Castles must be booked as part of the hire process.

Are candles allowed? Are birthday candles on a cake allowed?
No, our insurance will not permit naked flames.

What equipment does the kitchen have?
We have a small range cooker, microwave, fridge and boiling water heater. we have some cups and saucers, but most hirers bring their own plates, cutlery, spare bin liners etc. You will also need need cloths etc for washing up. You can see a 360 photo here:

Do you have WiFi?
Yes, we have free WiFi throughout the building. The network name and password are on signs in each room.

Do you have a projector? Or a Sound System?
We have a projector in the main hall that connects via HDMI (such as laptops). This is also supports sound via HDMI. The sound system is available which supports music via bluetooth and aux (3.5mm with connector for USB-C and Apple Lightening).  We make an additional charge for this for occasional users.
There is an infosheet available with more information as part of the booking form on this website.

Are there chairs? Are there tables I can use?
Each room has a supply of chairs in accordance with the capacity of the room. Please return them after use. Each room have a few tables available to use. There are additional folding tables in the side room of the lobby. Please ensure everything is clean and tidied away before the end of your hire.

Can I use the stage?
The stage can only be used if you book the main hall. Price on Application.  There is an infosheet available with more information as part of the booking form on this website.
Due to health and safety issues it must not be used unless previously booked. Lighting can only be used with support of the Iver Heath Drama Club (who own the equipment). The projector screen is on the stage. You are likely to need your own Public Liability Insurance to use the stage. This is a working stage and so using it without permission and appropriate safety knowledge is dangerous.

Do I need to provide loo roll? Or kitchen towels?
There will be plenty of toilet roll in each cubicle. There will be some kitchen towel in the dispenser but if you are preparing or serving food, we suggest you supply additional kitchen towels.

Are there any restrictions on times for my event/class/group?
For occasional hires, there are limitations due to the availability of our volunteers. Some local venues have employed staff and therefore are able to host bookings/events into the late evening. Regular hirers are keyholders, due to the longstanding relationship they have with us and the community, and can therefore operate up to 10:30pm. There are other less frequent restrictions, such as cancelling of bookings for elections, which are covered in our policies and terms of hire.

Are there tables for activities or buffet?
There is at least 15 wipe-clean tables available in the corridor for use by all rooms. The majority of these measure 70cm by 184cm (approx). If you use the table, please clean them before returning. There are additional older square tables in the main hall (67cm by 67cm)

After the hire, what do we do with the rubbish?
Please place your rubbish in the large BLACK bin. The bins are located  to the left as you leave the main entrance (at the rear of the school). Spare bin liners are provided in the kitchen bin but please supply your own bin liners if you think you may produce more than 2 bags.

I'm planning an event or party after 6pm, maybe into the night. Is this available?
We do not have staff or employees, we only have volunteers. In the local area several venues have had issues with late hire in the past, for example one local venue experienced expensive damage during a young adult birthday party. For this reason our volunteers inspect the hall at lock up for all occasional hires and new regular hirers - while some other venues in this area, for example golf clubs and social clubs have employed staff who remain on site to monitor events. We are aware that some venues require licensed security staff after a set time (normally paid by the hirer via an approved agency). 
As we are a small community charity with a small number of local volunteers this is not a service that we can feasibly provide. Overnight events are forbidden by our insurance.

Is there an outside area for hire? Can we use the car park?
We do not have an area such as a private garden or beer garden. There is two grass areas outside our hall which we own but these are accessible to public. If you wish to use the car park for your event (in a way different to parking) you need to discuss this with us before making any plans.

We're hiring the hall and there is an issue or urgent problem?
If you have a general question, please contact us via email or speak with the volunteer who unlocks or locks the hall for you. If it is urgent, please call the number on the HALL NOTICES board at the main entrance.  Also on that board is information on contacting the emergency services - due to a fire for example - and the fire evacuation plan.

I'm the named hirer. What are my responsibilities?
Please have a read through our policies and terms on this website.
You will be responsible for the conduct of your customers/visitors/members and their safety. You will need to consider if you need insurance and to register with a governing body relevant to your event - such as OFSTED or the council. As named hirer you would need to act as First Aid Officer and Fire Marshal - roles you can delegate or share. You may also need to consider safeguarding and DBS checks for the safety of any children and/or vulnerable adults. You are also liable for any debts or fees or costs incurred by damage or negligence. If you use any contractors, such as  entertainers or decorators, you will need to ensure they are vetted, insured and comply with our policies, terms and any relevant UK law. This might sound daunting, but we are proud to host and support a variety of small businesses and non-profits at our hall and will support as best we can. 

Do I need to have my own insurance?
It is down to the 'named hirer' to ensure they have the protection they need - for example Public Liability Insurance with legal cover suitable for the sessions and activities they do. For-profit hires must provided a copy of their insurance to us before the event.

I love the gallery at the hall. How do I buy the artwork? Can my artwork be displayed there?
Below each painting/picture is a slip from the artist containing their contact info including social media. If you would like to display your artwork, please email us and we will display your artwork on 2-4 weeks on a rotation. We're happy to feature different pieces by the same artist - but it is 1 per artist at a time.

Why do Regular Hirers get a discount/get better rates?
Regular Hirers have a long standing relationship with the hall and are trusted key holders. They have shown themselves to be trustworthy (including paying invoices on time). They often do their best to help keep the venue clean and help promote the venue on social media.

What are your payment terms? 
  • Invoices are payable within 7 days (rather than 21 days) 
  • All payments are by bank transfer only
  • Occasional Hirers will be invoiced at the time of accepting their initial booking request. The full amount is due immediately however, at the Officers discretion they may offer 50% upfront and 50% due 30 days before the booking. 
  • The booking is provisional only until payment received, and this is clearly displayed on the online booking request form (a request is only a request) and on the invoice itself. Date will be released is payment not received by day 8.
  • New hirers (who expect to become regular hirers) will be required to pay monthly in advanced for at least their first 3 months and must book a minimum of one session per month. They will not be given keys right away. If after 3 months there are no concerns with payment or conduct, hirers will be offered to switch to payment in arrears at the Officers’ discretion.
  • Anyone on paying in arrears terms (such as 'regular hirers' prior to September 2024): If any invoice is unpaid after the 7th day, we have the right at our discretion to charge interest on the invoice total. The rate which will be charged at the Bank of England base rate.

The Charity reserves the right to apply additional administration charges, for example late payment of invoices, access or use of rooms/parts of the hall not included in the booking request and additional workload on our volunteers. The Officers of the Hall have the authority to reject or decline bookings due to concerns of dangerous, illegal or unsafe activities or conduct. The Officers of the Hall have the authority to revoke access to the venue for hirers who have not paid, breached our terms, and/or accrued unpaid debts, at their discretion. 

Do you have a hearing loop?
No, not at present.

How can I raise a complaint or a concern?
Minor issues or concerns can be raised with a volunteer or email us.
Complaints need to be made in writing. Please feel free to email us at or write a letter to any of the trustees of the village hall charity, (their names are on the Charity Commission website) and either post it to the hall or pop it in the black post box. Our complaints policy is available at request. The hall has no paid staff, we're all volunteers, and we have zero tolerance approach to abuse and anti-social behaviour.

If you would like to enquire about hiring our hall please check the Calendar first, click the date and time and then complete the booking form to reserve that date and time. This does not confirm your booking, until the request is vetted by our team and the invoice is paid.

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Village hall booking system